Quotation for the Month….

Quotation by Pastor Elder McCants

“At Just the Right Time”  

A reprint from Christian News, 6 January 2025


“When the time was right God sent Jesus born of a woman” (Galatians 4:4).


Have you and I ever asked why God took four thousand years to send His son, Jesus, to be born in Bethlehem?  Through the Prophets, God foretold that Jesus would be born of a virgin to live, suffer, die, and rise from death to save us from Hell and the power of the devil.  When the time was right, the good news of Christ was announced, “Unto you is born a Savior!”

Look at how God sent His Son.  Jesus was born of an imperfect woman, Mary, but His conception in the womb of Mary was perfect.  His birth was perfect, and Jesus was perfect, too, in His thoughts, words, and deeds.  His perfections covers our imperfections.  Jesus is our Immanuel, God is with us.  The Holy Spirit works through God’s Word to give us faith to trust and believe that only Jesus, through His death and victorious resurrection, can save us and all people.  No political leader can save us in America and the world.

We can never understand the virgin birth with our limited minds, but we, by God’s grace, believe that Jesus as born to die and rise from death and the grave to forgive and earn Heaven for us.  The time is right for us to believe and trust God above everything else in life.  Romans 10:11, “Anyone who trusts in the Lord will never be disappointed.”

PRAYER:  Thank you, Lord, for giving us Your Son to save us.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.