Word from the Pastor

October 2024


Fall is upon us.  Leaves turning into different colors, showing the artwork of God.  Cooler days.  I have noticed that the mosquitos (which were actually few this past summer) have almost disappeared.  There have been a few mornings, I have had to put on a long sleeve shirt or jacket.

We can all relate to these and much more.  The handiwork of God is evident all around us.  The earth is being renewed.  Many times, the topic of discussion becomes the weather.  Admittedly, we cannot do anything about these things taking place, all we can do is sit back, observe, and enjoy it.

In our life in Jesus, we cannot do anything about our sinful nature, all so often it reveals itself and we find ourselves helpless (ie Romans 7:14-20), sometimes we see ourselves as spectators.  And then we hear the message of the Church: the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus for you and for me.  Again, we can only watch as spectators.

But He did these things for you and for me.  And we receive the benefit of them simply by faith.  And it is beautiful!

In His Service,


Bible Study

Scripture records, “Consequently, faith comes from hearing he message, and the message is head through the Word of Christ” (Romans 10:17, NIV).  Thus, ongoing Scripture studies are conducted on a regular basis, on a book of the Bible, or on a topic covered in the Scripture.  In addition to Sunday School classes for all ages, a weekly class is conducted Wednesday afternoon.  These are from 1330-1430 hrs and run throughout the year.