Quotation for the Month….

by Johann Gerhard

On Eternal Life

Chapter XII:  On the Definition of Eternal Life

From all of this the following definition of eternal life can be gathered.  Eternal life is that most blissful and blessed state with which God, out of His limitless mercy, for the sake of Christ, the Mediator, who is apprehended by preserving faith, will bless the godly after this life so that their souls, fist separated from their bodies but then reunited with their glorified bodies on the day of resurrection, should be freed from all miseries, sorrows, and evils to live with Christ, the holy angels, and all the elect in eternal happiness, glory, and bliss; and, clothed with the perfect knowledge of God, perfect holiness and righteousness, forever see God face to face so that they may love Him without tiring and glorify Him without wearying.

          May Jesus Christ, blessed forever and the “Author” [Heb 12:2] of our faith and life, lead us to this blessedness.  Amen.