The Lord’s Supper is for those who
Believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior,
Have confessed their sins before God,
Pledge to try to amend their sinful ways, and
Believe that, with the wafer and wine,
they receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
In The Lord’s Supper, God offers
Assurance that our sins are forgiven
Assurancethat He is with us in every condition
Assurance of our Eternal Life with Christ.
Our Communion practice is that we ordinarily admit to the Lord’s Table only those who are communicant members in good standing in our own congregation or in a sister congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. We consider the Lord’s Supper to be the highest expression of Altar and Pulpit Fellowship and, for that reason, do not ordinarily invite Christians of other denominations to join us at the Lord’s Table. Even as in Christian love, we seek to respect the practices of other Christian denominations, we ask others in Christian love, to respect our practices. Those who, for the first time as our guest, desire to commune are asked to speak with an Elder or with Pastor prior to the service.